talhelper completion bash
Generate the autocompletion script for bash
Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.
This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager.
To load completions in your current shell session:
source <(talhelper completion bash)
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
talhelper completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/talhelper
talhelper completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/talhelper
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
talhelper completion bash
-h, --help help for bash
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
talhelper completion fish
Generate the autocompletion script for fish
Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.
To load completions in your current shell session:
talhelper completion fish | source
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
talhelper completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
talhelper completion fish [flags]
-h, --help help for fish
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
talhelper completion powershell
Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.
To load completions in your current shell session:
talhelper completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.
talhelper completion powershell [flags]
-h, --help help for powershell
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
talhelper completion zsh
Generate the autocompletion script for zsh
Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.
If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:
echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
To load completions in your current shell session:
source <(talhelper completion zsh)
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
talhelper completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_talhelper"
talhelper completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_talhelper
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
talhelper completion zsh [flags]
-h, --help help for zsh
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
talhelper completion
Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
Generate the autocompletion script for talhelper for the specified shell. See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.
-h, --help help for completion
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper - A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
- talhelper completion bash - Generate the autocompletion script for bash
- talhelper completion fish - Generate the autocompletion script for fish
- talhelper completion powershell - Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
- talhelper completion zsh - Generate the autocompletion script for zsh
talhelper gencommand apply
Generate talosctl apply-config commands.
talhelper gencommand apply [flags]
-h, --help help for apply
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
--extra-flags strings List of additional flags that will be injected into the generated commands.
-n, --node string A specific node to generate the command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes.
-o, --out-dir string Directory that contains the generated config files to apply. (default "./clusterconfig")
- talhelper gencommand - Generate commands for talosctl.
talhelper gencommand bootstrap
Generate talosctl bootstrap commands.
talhelper gencommand bootstrap [flags]
-h, --help help for bootstrap
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
--extra-flags strings List of additional flags that will be injected into the generated commands.
-n, --node string A specific node to generate the command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes.
-o, --out-dir string Directory that contains the generated config files to apply. (default "./clusterconfig")
- talhelper gencommand - Generate commands for talosctl.
talhelper gencommand kubeconfig
Generate talosctl kubeconfig commands.
talhelper gencommand kubeconfig [flags]
-h, --help help for kubeconfig
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
--extra-flags strings List of additional flags that will be injected into the generated commands.
-n, --node string A specific node to generate the command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes.
-o, --out-dir string Directory that contains the generated config files to apply. (default "./clusterconfig")
- talhelper gencommand - Generate commands for talosctl.
talhelper gencommand reset
Generate talosctl reset commands.
talhelper gencommand reset [flags]
-h, --help help for reset
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
--extra-flags strings List of additional flags that will be injected into the generated commands.
-n, --node string A specific node to generate the command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes.
-o, --out-dir string Directory that contains the generated config files to apply. (default "./clusterconfig")
- talhelper gencommand - Generate commands for talosctl.
talhelper gencommand upgrade
Generate talosctl upgrade commands.
talhelper gencommand upgrade [flags]
-h, --help help for upgrade
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
--extra-flags strings List of additional flags that will be injected into the generated commands.
-n, --node string A specific node to generate the command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes.
-o, --out-dir string Directory that contains the generated config files to apply. (default "./clusterconfig")
- talhelper gencommand - Generate commands for talosctl.
talhelper gencommand upgrade-k8s
Generate talosctl upgrade-k8s commands.
talhelper gencommand upgrade-k8s [flags]
-h, --help help for upgrade-k8s
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
--extra-flags strings List of additional flags that will be injected into the generated commands.
-n, --node string A specific node to generate the command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes.
-o, --out-dir string Directory that contains the generated config files to apply. (default "./clusterconfig")
- talhelper gencommand - Generate commands for talosctl.
talhelper gencommand
Generate commands for talosctl.
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
--extra-flags strings List of additional flags that will be injected into the generated commands.
-h, --help help for gencommand
-n, --node string A specific node to generate the command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes.
-o, --out-dir string Directory that contains the generated config files to apply. (default "./clusterconfig")
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper - A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
- talhelper gencommand apply - Generate talosctl apply-config commands.
- talhelper gencommand bootstrap - Generate talosctl bootstrap commands.
- talhelper gencommand kubeconfig - Generate talosctl kubeconfig commands.
- talhelper gencommand reset - Generate talosctl reset commands.
- talhelper gencommand upgrade - Generate talosctl upgrade commands.
- talhelper gencommand upgrade-k8s - Generate talosctl upgrade-k8s commands.
talhelper genconfig
Generate Talos cluster config YAML files
talhelper genconfig [flags]
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-n, --dry-run Skip generating manifests and show diff instead
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
-h, --help help for genconfig
--no-gitignore Create/update gitignore file too
--offline-mode Generate schematic ID without doing POST request to image-factory
-o, --out-dir string Directory where to dump the generated files (default "./clusterconfig")
-s, --secret-file strings List of files containing secrets for the cluster (default [talsecret.yaml,talsecret.sops.yaml,talsecret.yml,talsecret.sops.yml])
-m, --talos-mode string Talos runtime mode to validate generated config (default "metal")
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper - A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
talhelper genschema
Generate talconfig.yaml
JSON schema file
talhelper genschema [flags]
-f, --file string Where to dump the generated json-schema file (default "talconfig.json")
-h, --help help for genschema
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper - A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
talhelper gensecret
Generate Talos cluster secrets
talhelper gensecret [flags]
-f, --from-configfile string Talos cluster node configuration file to generate secret from
-h, --help help for gensecret
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper - A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
talhelper genurl image
Generate URL for Talos ISO or disk image
talhelper genurl image [flags]
-a, --arch string CPU architecture support of the image (default "amd64")
--boot-method string Boot method of the image (can be disk-image, iso, or pxe) (default "iso")
-h, --help help for image
--suffix string The image file extension (only used when boot-method is not iso) (e.g: raw.xz, raw.tar.gz, qcow2)
-m, --talos-mode string Talos runtime mode to generate URL (default "metal")
--use-uki Whether to generate UKI image url if Secure Boot is enabled
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
--env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
-e, --extension strings Official extension image to be included in the image (ignored when talconfig.yaml is found)
-k, --kernel-arg strings Kernel arguments to be passed to the image kernel (ignored when talconfig.yaml is found)
-n, --node string A specific node to generate command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes (ignored when talconfig.yaml is not found)
--offline-mode Generate schematic ID without doing POST request to image-factory
-r, --registry-url string Registry url of the image (default "")
--secure-boot Whether to generate Secure Boot enabled URL
-v, --version string Talos version to generate (defaults to latest Talos version) (default "v1.9.4")
- talhelper genurl - Generate URL for Talos installer or ISO
talhelper genurl installer
Generate URL for Talos installer image
talhelper genurl installer [flags]
-h, --help help for installer
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
--env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
-e, --extension strings Official extension image to be included in the image (ignored when talconfig.yaml is found)
-k, --kernel-arg strings Kernel arguments to be passed to the image kernel (ignored when talconfig.yaml is found)
-n, --node string A specific node to generate command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes (ignored when talconfig.yaml is not found)
--offline-mode Generate schematic ID without doing POST request to image-factory
-r, --registry-url string Registry url of the image (default "")
--secure-boot Whether to generate Secure Boot enabled URL
-v, --version string Talos version to generate (defaults to latest Talos version) (default "v1.9.4")
- talhelper genurl - Generate URL for Talos installer or ISO
talhelper genurl
Generate URL for Talos installer or ISO
-c, --config-file string File containing configurations for talhelper (default "talconfig.yaml")
--env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
-e, --extension strings Official extension image to be included in the image (ignored when talconfig.yaml is found)
-h, --help help for genurl
-k, --kernel-arg strings Kernel arguments to be passed to the image kernel (ignored when talconfig.yaml is found)
-n, --node string A specific node to generate command for. If not specified, will generate for all nodes (ignored when talconfig.yaml is not found)
--offline-mode Generate schematic ID without doing POST request to image-factory
-r, --registry-url string Registry url of the image (default "")
--secure-boot Whether to generate Secure Boot enabled URL
-v, --version string Talos version to generate (defaults to latest Talos version) (default "v1.9.4")
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper - A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
- talhelper genurl image - Generate URL for Talos ISO or disk image
- talhelper genurl installer - Generate URL for Talos installer image
talhelper validate nodeconfig
Check the validity of Talos node config file
talhelper validate nodeconfig [file] [flags]
-h, --help help for nodeconfig
-m, --mode string Talos runtime mode to validate with (default "metal")
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper validate - Validate the correctness of talconfig or talos node config
talhelper validate talconfig
Check the validity of talhelper config file
talhelper validate talconfig [file] [flags]
-e, --env-file strings List of files containing env variables for config file (default [talenv.yaml,talenv.sops.yaml,talenv.yml,talenv.sops.yml])
-h, --help help for talconfig
--no-substitute Whether to do envsubst on before validation
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper validate - Validate the correctness of talconfig or talos node config
talhelper validate
Validate the correctness of talconfig or talos node config
-h, --help help for validate
Options inherited from parent commands
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
- talhelper - A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
- talhelper validate nodeconfig - Check the validity of Talos node config file
- talhelper validate talconfig - Check the validity of talhelper config file
A tool to help with creating Talos cluster
talhelper is a tool to help you create a Talos cluster.
Workflow: Create talconfig.yaml file defining your nodes information like so:
clusterName: mycluster
talosVersion: v1.0
- hostname: master1
installDisk: /dev/sdb
controlPlane: true
- hostname: worker1
installDisk: /dev/nvme1
controlPlane: false
Then run these commands:
talhelper gensecret > talsecret.sops.yaml sops -e -i talsecret.sops.yaml talhelper genconfig
The generated yaml files will be in ./clusterconfig directory
WARNING! Please don't push the generated files into your public git repository. By default talhelper will create a ".gitignore" file to ignore the generated files for you unless you use "--no-gitignore" flag. The generated files contain unencrypted secrets and you don't want people to get a hand of them.
-d, --debug Whether to enable debugging mode
-h, --help help for talhelper
- talhelper completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- talhelper gencommand - Generate commands for talosctl.
- talhelper genconfig - Generate Talos cluster config YAML files
- talhelper genschema - Generate
JSON schema file - talhelper gensecret - Generate Talos cluster secrets
- talhelper genurl - Generate URL for Talos installer or ISO
- talhelper validate - Validate the correctness of talconfig or talos node config